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Apartment by the Line - my interior flash 2018

This post contains unpaid advertising for one of the most inspiring shops ever.

I still remember exactly how I saw a picture of 'Apartment by the Line' for the very first time a while ago on the site of one of my favorite fashion bloggers and the picture just completely blew me away. At the time, however, I still thought that the picture was a glimpse into some fancy hotel room. Wrong! After a bit of stalking on my part, I found out that 'Apartment by the Line' is an interior design shop in New York. OMG! Whatever was at the top of my to-do list before, that had to go!

As fate (or rather my bank balance) would have it, I was going to New York last September. Beforehand, my favorite travel companion Nikolina and I had a separate chat in which we listed the spots we absolutely wanted to see. While Nikolina was throwing out one hot new thing after another, I have to admit that I was pretty clueless. In moments like these, I'm more of the "I'll just wait and see" kind of person. But I have to admit that I'm pretty grateful when someone else takes over the planning for city trips. But let me get back to the interior shop in question! That was the only point in the chat that I felt was particularly important to me.

Are you wondering why I'm telling you all this now? Well, this week a message I read on the 'Apartment by the Line' Instagram channel left me in a bit of a state of shock. The shop is closing! You can laugh at me now because it's such a banal piece of information and there is definitely more important information. But so what, it made me kind of sad! Why? Visiting the shop in September gave me back something I was really missing at the time: inspiration!

It was a crazy feeling to be standing in the shop on my birthday, which I had previously saved several times on Instagram. The atmosphere was simply amazing! Set up like an apartment where you can buy everything you can find there, no one can tell me that their interior design heart wouldn't beat faster. Mine couldn't stop doing somersaults.

As if a switch had been flipped, I suddenly had various ideas in my head about what I would like to change in my apartment. From that moment on, poor Nikolina had to put up with all my ideas. But that's probably how it is with creative ideas: create an inspiring environment and the ideas just flow. At least that's what I'm noticing more and more often. This post is therefore a little declaration of love to an interior shop that has inspired me incredibly. More of that, please!

The only option I have now is to pack my suitcase and fly to Los Angeles when I'm feeling a bit lacking in inspiration. Because there's a second shop there. OK, just kidding, my bank balance is currently saying: "Darling, get a grip! After all, what is Instagram for? You can pine away pretty well there!" Oh well! And to be honest: you often find inspiration in the little everyday things and you don't have to travel to New York every time.