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A fresh StartDo you know that feeling? The new year is only a few days old, the...
Stapelbox von MOEBE im Wohnzimmer mit Decken darin
DIY Floating Wall ShelfAnyone who has ever renovated or built a house will probably be familiar with the...
DIY Schwebendes Wandregal
Sustainable Living with ThonetThis article was created in friendly cooperation with Thonet and Smow Hamburg.  Do you know...
Nachhaltiges Wohnen mit Thonet
Our dream floor from pur naturI Advertising I This article was created in friendly cooperation with pur natur . One...
Unser Traumboden von pur natur
Design follows function, right? I Advertising I This article was created in friendly cooperation with Reform . "The kitchen...
Design folgt Funktion, oder?
From Plan to KitchenHow do you plan the perfect kitchen? Everything that was important to us in our...
Vom Plan zur Küche
Our path to the kitchen dreamThis article was created in friendly cooperation with Reform. Since I moved out of my...
Unser Weg zum Küchentraum
Paint walls, but do it right!We have now painted almost every wall in our apartment at least once. I admit...
Wände streichen, aber richtig!