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Hey Copenhagen!

Copenhagen, tak for the dejlige tid!

Normally I find it quite easy to find the first sentences for my blog posts, but today's blog post about the last Copenhagen weekend is somehow difficult. Of course, this is only because it was just so indescribably beautiful and there were so many great moments that are hard to put into words! Ha, but now the first sentences are actually already there and before I start thinking too much about it, I'll just start to reminisce about wonderful memories and maybe give you some interesting tips for your next trip to Copenhagen! One thing is certain for me: I will definitely be visiting Copenhagen again this year!

That's where it all starts... we drove from Hamburg to Copenhagen for 4.5 hours. With my favorite Steffi in tow, the time went by really quickly, because as is the case with two girls who haven't seen each other for a long time, you always have a lot to talk about. We set off in grey weather in Hamburg and arrived in Copenhagen in brilliant sunshine and 26 degrees! I'll just say this: we expected a lot, but 26 degrees and sunshine? Erm... not! We were also dressed just a little bit wrong (that such a faux pas had to happen in Copenhagen of all places haha). Oh, something else worth mentioning about the trip: if you want to drive into Copenhagen by car, you have to pay something like a toll, 32€ to be exact, both when you enter and on the way back! So you're already missing 64€ for shopping hmm!

You might be wondering whether we had already done a lot of research in advance in terms of shops, restaurants and cafes. To be completely honest: no! Funnily enough, both Steffi and I have various books at home with tips for Copenhagen, but somehow we forgot to look at them when the time came. But I did get a good tip from a friend who was in Copenhagen the weekend before last. He told me about the app "Mapster". It looks like Google Maps and you can enter all the shops/restaurants/cafes there and access your friends' maps. I did that straight away and copied his Copenhagen tips and our preparation was complete haha.

When we arrived in Copenhagen, the very first thing we did was drive to Vaernedamsvej aka Hipster Street (why it's called that: no idea! I'm not sure if it's really called that... I feel like the whole of Copenhagen is a hipster street). And what do you do when the weather is nice in Copenhagen? That's right, sit in a café or in front of it and enjoy the sun and watch people or pine after beautiful Danes. No sooner said than done, and we went to the RIST coffee bar. A small café that serves incredibly delicious avocado bread and, as we unfortunately discovered too late, you can also sit in the courtyard.

Right next door is the shop "Playtype" which has great prints. Today I'm annoyed that I didn't buy it straight away, but at the time I thought "who knows what else will come". In addition to various beautiful flower shops on every corner, you can also find Aesop, Ganni and a great interior design shop called `Rack Buddy` (Frederiksberg Alle 8). In addition to clothes rails with an industrial look, there are all kinds of Scandinavian interiors and a very nice employee who also speaks German and emigrated from Frankfurt to Copenhagen 3 years ago (I was only slightly jealous. Of Copenhagen, not Frankfurt, haha). There will be more about this great shop on my blog soon!


Rack Buddy

Our plan was to have dinner at Madklubben on Vesterbrogade on Saturday evening, but then everything changed (but more on that later). However, I don't want to withhold from you the pictures that I quickly took when we were there to make a reservation for the evening.

Which photo is typical of Copenhagen? Exactly, the colorful house fronts at Nyhavn! After the hipster street we went to Touristreet and since the weather was so fantastic, you can certainly imagine that we were not alone there...

When I saw this, I immediately reconsidered my plans to emigrate! I honestly can't believe it! At least for me!

And what should definitely not be missing in Copenhagen? (It's turning into a fun question and answer game here, except that I always give myself the answers haha). Well, a visit to the `Hay-House` is a must! One of my absolute favorite brands and I always wish I were rich and could afford more of it! I recently got the tray table, but when I saw all the other beautiful furniture, I was once again blown away by how the Scandinavians manage to achieve this clean, minimalist design without the furniture being too obtrusive! Okay, in the house, the windows were also a dream! I would have loved to say: "Hello - I live here!"

When we came out of the Hay House after a while, it was unfortunately already too late to go to other shops, as they were unfortunately already closed. So we went looking for a restaurant. I have to send another kiss to my Steffi, because she picked out such great restaurants and wasn't satisfied with just any one, because she wanted to get the best for us! And even though I had to smile inside a few times, I'm very happy that she's so behind it! Just a quick note for you: she's a bombshell when it comes to cooking #proudbestfriend! And so we suddenly found ourselves in front of the `Madklubben` in the Pilestraede and only then did we notice that there are several of their restaurants. Lucky for us and doubly lucky because we got a table outside straight away and were able to enjoy the remaining rays of sunshine! True to the motto "just treat yourself", we ordered a 3-course meal and it was really a feast for the palate! I don't know much about very good food, but since Steffi had a smile on her face the whole time, I would say that we both enjoyed it very much!

After that, we party girls went straight to bed in the hotel. The next question you might be asking yourself is whether I have any good tips for places to stay. Unfortunately, I have to say no. We stayed at the Scandic Hotel in Copenhagen-Hvidovre because we knew we had a car and that was the cheapest option for us. OK, but I have to say that there were no cool Airbnb apartments left and that's the only thing I would do differently in the future! So next time I go back to Copenhagen, I hope I can give you some good tips!

Saturday morning. Grey skies and a fresh breeze! That's not what we had imagined! The only good thing about it was that we could go to Café Baryl on Griffenfeldsgade 24B for breakfast without feeling guilty and without having to be outside! This café is my absolute favourite tip for you! The breakfast was SOOOO incredibly delicious! I would say it was the tastiest breakfast I've ever eaten (apart from the Nutella bread that my parents always make hahaaaa, Steffi is probably rolling her eyes now).

The Acne Archive is right around the corner and I really wanted to go there, maybe I'd get lucky and get a bargain! Unfortunately that wasn't the case, it was so overly crowded that there was even a bouncer who only let pigs in.

I've often seen pictures of the shop 'Stilleben' on Instagram and of course it was on our list for the day! They have 3 shops in Copenhagen in total and the two we looked at are definitely worth a trip! I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves:

On the way from one shop to the second Stilleben shop, we took a short break in the Coffee Room. It's on a small side street right in the city center. The apple pie there was soooo delicious! OK, maybe I should just say that everything we ate was unbelievably delicious!

Opposite the still life in the city center is the KortKartellet ( Niels Hemmingsens Gade 6 ). There you can find the following type of poster and you will soon find one from this shop in my house too, hehe.

Even though we now have Illums Bolighus in Hamburg, a quick trip there was a must and it took my breath away: a huge department store with only interior and absolutely every Scandinavian brand is represented there! So make sure you go there when you're in Copenhagen!

On the way back to the car we made a quick detour to the Torvehallerne - a food market hall! Unfortunately they closed at 6pm and we were there at 5.50pm. But there was still time for a snapshot:

For dinner we chose the `Neighbourhood` at Istedgade 27. Industrial charm meets organic gourmet pizza! I recommend the `Neighbourhood Brew` with the pizza - the house craft beer! Yum yum is all I can say!

As the sun came out again during the day, we went out for an ice cream in the evening to make the most of the fantastic weather before we headed back to our hotel and treated ourselves to a glass of wine or two.

Baamm! On Sunday we woke up to a bright blue sky again! We actually wanted to go to `Atelier September` (Gothersgade 30), but a marathon through the city put a stop to our plans because we couldn't get anywhere near it by car. Then we quickly thought about where we liked it best and that was the hipster street on Friday and we knew that we would find `Granola` there, which we had already seen on Instagram beforehand. And how could it be otherwise: we even found a table outside and were able to enjoy the great weather again. It's going well for us, hehe!

The little kid in me really wanted to go to Tivoli on Sunday, but we didn't have enough time and the line in front of the entrance was incredibly long, so I had to postpone it until next time. We generally had a bit of trouble admitting that the weekend was already over and we had to go home. So we went for a last walk up and down Frederiksberg Allé. We found a really cool little shop that has posters and knick-knacks - the `Can`in at Tullinsgade 5.
And then it was time to say goodbye and “See you soon”, because if I know one thing, it’s that I will be back as soon as possible!

Ah, it might also be important for you to know: we had the car and I can tell you that parking in Copenhagen isn't all that cheap. Well, it depends on what you consider cheap and expensive, but you can expect to pay €20 per day (on Friday we forgot to get a ticket, but we were lucky and didn't get a fine. That's why we were able to pay the parking fee haha).

For me this weekend was just perfect and I will remember it for a long time (if not, this blog post will help).
What would I perhaps do differently next time? Book a hotel or an apartment through Airbnb right in the city center, so that I don't always have to think about having to drive, and I'll probably rent a bike for the city itself, as the distances are really not far. Of course, all the bags won't fit in the bike basket haha...but there's always a drawback!

I hope I was able to give you some tips for your next trip to one of the most beautiful cities in the north (besides Hamburg, of course)!