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Laugh once, please!

Do you want to know some fun facts about me? Well then, let's go!

During my time at school, I was one of the students who missed the most classes. Whenever someone asked if I was going to skip school, I said "yes" before I even knew what subject was on the schedule. Most of the time, my dear Steffi was the one who asked me that, and so we spent a lot of time in cafes during school.

My hair is naturally straight. Straighter than straight. As smooth as an eel. Completely without any rebellious waves. I don't like that. I would love to have loose waves. So my curling iron has become my best friend. Luckily, my waves last until the next time I wash my hair. Always this dilemma of wanting exactly what you don't have.

Speaking of hair! After most of my visits to the hairdresser, I can say that I have finally found exactly the right shade of blonde. To be honest: I'm still looking!

I've always wanted to see myself as a surfer girl because I think the lifestyle is incredibly cool. However, I would say that apart from my beach waves, which are ultimately fake, there's nothing surfer-like about me. This was especially evident on my holiday in Croatia last year, when I couldn't even do stand-up paddling without complaining. The result? A visit to the orthopedist straight after the holiday! Ouch!

Two years seems to be the time period after which I usually lose interest in my current apartment. From then on, I usually sign up to various real estate apps to "just have a look" at what other apartments are on the market. I lasted four years in my last apartment and I would say that my current apartment will stay with me longer. Let's see!

From 1992 to 1996 I collected the magazine "Mickey Mouse", which came out every Thursday. Every Thursday it was on the kitchen table when I got home from school. And woe betide me if I didn't get it! Then my mood would be ruined for the day!

My mother gave me a punching bag when I was a teenager because I was always slamming doors. Rebellious? Me? Never!

I always say "as I said" without actually saying it. I never noticed that myself, but it was only Steffi who told me about it. Well, as I said...

I was in love with Jared Leto.

I don't like coffee or chewing gum (I had a really bad childhood experience!).

I am a gut person.

I love crime novels and thrillers.

I moved out of home when I was 18.

I dropped out of school after 12th grade and started my first degree (my mum is really happy these days that I managed to make something of myself haha).

I always have to press the key twice after I get out of the car and lock it (yes, such a little quirk is a nice thing, isn't it!).

I love driving because it's the best way for me to think.

Unfortunately, I can't cook at all.