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Product test PCL4 patio cleaner from Kärcher

This post contains advertising for the patio cleaner PCL 4 , one of many new outdoor products from Kärcher . 

It's crazy how a typical Saturday can change in ten years. Back then, I slept through most Saturdays, but now I prefer to get up early and make the most of the day, like I did last time when I cleaned our patio. But I won't say any more for now and would rather take you back to the past and to my Saturday a week ago.

August 3, 2009, 3:00 p.m.

It's bright. Damn bright. My head is pounding. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to get my bearings. Where am I? My bedclothes. Obviously at home. Home is good. I make the first effort to move my head. My gaze wanders under the covers. Dressed. Dressed is better. With the last of my strength I roll my head to the right. Alone. Lucky me. The situation is under control. I close my eyes again.

August 3, 2019, 3:00 p.m.

It's bright. The sun is shining in my face. I've been looking forward to this relaxing summer day. Finally some time for myself. I even managed to get my butt out of bed this morning to go for a jog along the Elbe beach. As a reward, Felix surprised me with a hearty breakfast. Good guy. I've been sitting on the balcony for a good hour now, enjoying life. I did everything right. 

August 3, 2009, 4:00 p.m.

I open my eyes. My head still feels like a steamroller has run over it. Ouch. To make matters worse, a desert has spread out in my mouth. My tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth. What was the name of the guy from the bar last night? He would have been useful to get me a glass of water at least. Standing up is definitely not an option. I think the sudden movement would put me out of action again immediately. So: close your eyes and get through it.

August 3, 2019, 4:00 p.m.

I'm slowly getting antsy. It would be a shame if such a phenomenal day went to waste. My gaze wanders downwards. Beautiful is different. The slightly mossy greenish note of our terrace boards has actually been bothering me for weeks. You never really have time for that kind of thing. Damn. Now I can't avoid it. Thank you antsy, now I'm seriously going to start clearing the terrace.

August 3, 2009, 4:30 p.m.

I can't sleep anymore either. My stomach is rebelling. My body demands that I satisfy its basic needs. There is no way around getting up. But very slowly. I sit down on the edge of the bed. I have barely put my body in the  As I move vertically, a stabbing pain shoots through my head. One of the twelve gin and tonics yesterday was obviously bad. I'm trying to collect myself here first. You shouldn't rush into anything.

August 3, 2019, 4:30 p.m.

The terrace is empty. 9 square meters of decking that needs to be scrubbed. If we're honest, these 9 square meters look like they've never seen a sponge before. Luckily, I'm not alone on my mission. My friends from Kärcher recently sent me the PCL 4 patio cleaner to test. Let's see what the little one can do. I shudder as I remember how I used to have to help my parents clean the patio. That was a day's work for 3 people, armed with a scrubber, sponge and liters of water. I hope it will be better with the Kärcher. Full of anticipation, I plug in the power and water and press the button.

August 3, 2009, 4:45 p.m.

I made it to the kitchen. One glass of water after another flows down my throat. The desert in my mouth is slowly but surely becoming an oasis again. Next I have to take care of my stomach. There must be flyers from the pizza delivery service somewhere in the kitchen drawer. If anyone can save me, it's Luigi. Oops. My cell phone rings. Does Luigi have telepathic powers? No, it's just Steffi. I'm afraid of what she's going to tell me about last night. I overcome myself and answer the phone. 

August 3, 2019, 4:45 p.m.

A jolt runs through me. A vibrating noise fills the air. The two brushes of the Kärcher whiz across the decking while the water, which shoots powerfully out of the nozzles, shows them the way. I have to admit, at first I have the feeling that the deck cleaner is cleaning the deck with me and not me with it. I would never have thought it could do so much. After a short surprise, I get the hang of it. I immediately realize that our deck is not actually gray-green at all. The dirt flows off the wooden flooring as if by itself and our slightly grayed outdoor room is transformed into an oasis in no time.

August 3, 2009, 6:00 p.m.

How does Steffi always manage to motivate me to go out partying again despite the hangover? I ask myself as I put on my mascara. Would I rather wear jeans and a shirt today or the new dress? How could I have forgotten Paul's party? I've been looking forward to it for weeks. According to Steffi, Jan is coming too. I can't deny that this puts a big grin on my face. Luckily the pizza earlier really got me going and the slightly dull feeling in the back of my head will surely disappear with the first beer, I tell myself. The front door slams shut behind me. Armed with my new dress, I storm down the stairs. New evening, new luck. 

August 3, 2019, 6:00 p.m.

Like a mirage, our outdoor room appears to me in an unexpected splendor. The terrace is now dry and the true color of our floorboards is revealed to me. It's amazing what the little Kärcher has done to our outdoor room in such a short time. This will definitely be the next Christmas present for my parents. They have a stone terrace, but he can handle that too. 

You can now actually eat off the floor on our balcony. The floorboards look like new. You could perhaps... An image forms in my mind: Felix and I, a starry sky, maybe a glass of wine. You wouldn't think I'm capable of such kitsch, but sleeping under the stars for a night has always been on my to-do list. 

I hear the key turning in the lock. Felix is ​​certainly not happy about having to carry the bed out onto the terrace. But at least I cleaned it. There is no objection.

A few minutes later, accompanied by Felix's groans, our bed is on the terrace. Our outdoor room has mutated into our outdoor bedroom. 

August 3, 2019, 11:00 p.m.

With a glass of wine in my hand and Felix lying next to me, I remember the time when I was restlessly out on the slopes every evening and slept the days away. It's crazy how life can change over the years. The feeling of restlessness has given way to the pleasant feeling of arrival. I close my eyes, enjoy the moment and look forward to everything that is still to come. 

Thank you Kärcher for the friendly cooperation, the resulting wonderful evening and the new fresh look of our terrace.