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Felix writes for wohnglück

I can still remember the first evening with Sarah quite well: Berlin con artists, a few beers, a good conversation and on the way home the feeling that I had spent a pretty nice evening. As is the way after a first date, I wrote to her straight away. Something like: That was really nice, great conversation, I'd like to see you again, etc. Her answer surprised me a little though. It included the sentence: "I completely forgot to tell you that I have a blog."

So what? I thought. We all have hobbies. And to be honest, I was never interested in such things. Blogs - in my world a medium for people who can't write but still do it. Social media - more desperate self-promotion than anything else. And so the topic wasn't particularly interesting to me.

But from meeting to meeting it slowly became clear to me: Sarah doesn't just have a little blog. Sarah lives for her blog. And as my interest in Sarah grew, my interest in wohn.glück slowly but surely grew too.

At the beginning of our relationship, I stayed out of it completely. I thought that Wohn.glück is Sarah's baby and I don't want to interfere. But I quickly realized that everyone brings their own baggage with them into every relationship. Parents, friends, strange habits or even a blog. So Sarah only existed with wohn.glück. That was obvious.

Sarah became an integral part of my life and with her, wohn.glück. At first, I was very hesitant. I proofread a few things here, looked over a picture there. Slowly but surely, I felt more and more fascinated by a completely new world. A cosmos that was completely foreign to me until then.

To my great surprise, Sarah didn't mind at all when I got involved. And I don't think a day goes by when I don't say at least once: "Wohn.glück is your baby, we'll do it exactly the way you want it." But she always encouraged me and was happy when I got involved.

We have been together for half a year now. A wonderful time. Every day we spend together is - even if that sounds cheesy - a dream. Living.happiness has also become an integral part of my life. It is the first thing we talk about in the morning and the last thing before we go to bed. Sarah's baby has become ours together. So what do you do when you unexpectedly get an adopted child like that? You look after it, you care for it and you watch it grow.

And that's why I'm sitting here typing. I can't remember the last time I wrote a longer text. I was probably still at school and God knows how long ago. And I have to admit, I enjoy it. So much fun that I might do it more often...